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Writer's pictureMac & E

30 Day Hair Challenge

Hello everyone! How have you guys been this week? Today I want to reflect over the 30 day hairstyle challenge I attempted this month and what I’ve learned. If you’ve been keeping up with our Instagram page this month, then you have seen the hairstyles I have done, and some of the tips and products I’ve used.

I first want to talk about how much I enjoyed this challenge and how excited I was to share hairstyles with you all. Styling my hair is something I love to do (obviously since I did 30 days of different hairstyles lol). I was super stoked to get out of my comfort zone, and to challenge myself to get out my hairstyle rut.

In the blog post where I first mentioned the 30 day challenge, I briefly mentioned that I had created a list of hairstyles for the month. That really helped me make sure I didn’t repeat hairstyles, and it helped my planner side not to freak out lol. However, I didn’t write down enough hairstyles, so during week 3 I had to go and add more hairstyles to the list (math’s tough, am I right??). I also knew from the beginning that I would be getting a haircut half-way through the month, so I needed to do some of the hairstyles before I got my haircut.

Now, onto things I’ve learned during this past month. As I’ve gone through the month, I’ve noticed that some of my hairstyles are very similar. This isn’t just me being lazy (okay maybe a little bit), it’s more of me running out of ideas for hairstyles. However, this is also a good thing to take note of: an easy way to switch up your look is to add minor changes to the hairstyle. For instance, using days 7 and 26: they are both small Dutch braids, but they are on opposite sides of my head. Or use days 18 and 28: on day 18 I used Dutch braids for the half-up ponytail, and on day 28 I used fishtail braids. These examples are great if you only know how to do one kind of braid, because you can move the braid to the other side or change the amount of hair incorporated in the braid. Or if you like a certain look and want to slightly change it up without changing the structure of the look, you can simply change what kind of braid you use in the hairstyle. And of course this doesn’t only apply to braids. You can try adjusting where your ponytail or bun is, or where you place your hair clips. This was the biggest thing I learned from this month, and I believe it can help a lot of you guys too.

Moving on to my thoughts on the challenge itself and what I would do differently. For a large part of the month, it was nice being able to choose which hairstyle I wanted to do that day. But closer to the end of the challenge, it was kind of a chore to plan out the hairstyles because I had a limited number of hairstyles left: some that were more athletic and some that were dressier. I liked pushing myself to try new looks, and finding out how easy some of them were, despite how difficult I thought they would be haha. But some days I wish I could have done some of my go-to looks instead of doing a more complex hairstyle (even though I feel like none of them were really that difficult). So overall I think 30 days is maybe too long for this kind of challenge. I would say 15 or 20 days would be better lengths.

Alrighty, so to sum it all up, I really enjoyed this challenge and getting to try new hairstyles (and also looks that I haven’t done in a while). I think this was a great way to show y’all a variety of looks and how I style them. I hope you guys were inspired to try some of these hairstyles out, or come up with your own looks too! If you want to look back on the different hairstyles, you can go to our Instagram and go to the “Hairstyles!” highlight.

Until next time,


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